I am using my dream journal from 2019-2020 as the database
(not going to show the all original texts because those are very personal)
The original text was written in Chinese(and mixed languages), and I split them into lines by spaces.
I use this code to modify texts:
from this ↑
to this →
code ↓
let lines = loadString("dreams.txt");
//lines is an array
let combinedText = lines.join(" ");
let textWithNewlines = combinedText.split(" ").join("\\n");
saveStrings([textWithNewlines], 'output.txt');
result(ngram 2, length 25, temp 1.3)
realized that Chinese needs to have smaller ngram to have variations. I think It is because the way I wrote (too less punctuations, too much content in()s) makes it harder to generate?
Then I remembered I had some dream journals translated to English, which I used in next step
(ngram4, length 100, temp 1.3)
add this rule to make sure each line ends with a period.